Moose Rider
Poker Run
August 17, 2002
Well, Folks, I didn't get to do the Moose Rider Run this year.
I am quite upset about it.
The best I could do was run out there and take pictures of everyone coming back
from the run. I had obligations with the Regular Moose Business (The
Supreme Governor from Ohio State Moose Assn. out of Columbus and his wife and
their guests where in Conneaut) as I am also Secretary/Treasurer for the Women
of the Moose.
There was a guy there that said he would get an extra copy of the photos that he
took of the run and he will let me put them here and you will see my pics and
his pics intermingled herein.
As for now..................Here are the pics he and I took while he was partying and I was on the run' back and forth from the Moose Club Business and Moose Riders Party. Here They Come....Tired, hungry and Ready to party.
This is the picture of the Moose Riders getting lined up for the run....... (Nice picture)
It appears that they are back already.... HEY GUYS... I need pics of the run.... come on now... gimme them....
I believe they said there were about 40 bikes on the run.
There were more parked across the field.
My Bike is parked among these bikes but it didn't go anywhere except from home to here.
Careful now...... The whole world is watching....
This Web Page Created by your Friendly Moosette Photographer Sharon Wick 2002